Chunk and Chew from Adventures in Adult Education

Adventures in Adult Education posted an excellent infomatic on chunking. Chunking is the process were large chunks of information are group into smaller pieces, such as 10 minutes of lecture rather than minutes.(Chunking – Learning Technique. Jan 21, 2017) Click on the poster to see a larger version. Chunking is technique I use in my accounting classes. I give a 10 minute talk, well I…

Case Studies

Oh. case studies! As a student, I initially disliked them because there is rarely a clear cut answer. Over time I grew to accept they were part of my accounting education and that unlike the textbook problems few decisions in business end up providing a clear outcome. As an instructor I do use them. I agree with Bev in her analysis that they help link…

Background Knowledge Probe Digital Project

Janice’s project was an animation of how to introduce and use background knowledge probe in class. It is used to assess the students’ level of knowledge on a topic before beginning a new topic. This is a tool I can definitely use because I teach second level accounting and students should have prior knowledge of most of the topics in my courses. By using background knowledge probe I will…